Italy: Living In Florence

These past few weeks in Florence have been so surreal. In the mornings you hear the sounds of church bells and birds chirping. Throughout the day there’s so many people walking through the small streets of Florence. There is so much to do, and so many options for food. Everyday is like a new adventure walking through the streets and looking for what to do or what to eat. We have gone through so many gorgeous churches that are so different from the ones in the United States. Museums have been very interesting with many different paintings and statues. My favorite thing about living here is how easy it is to get around. Everyday I walk about fifteen thousand steps and it’s almost feels like nothing. I spend most of my days exploring the city and looking for new things to try. I am pretty fluent in Spanish so I try and use that to my advantage when it comes to the language barrier but it only helps so much. On the days where I need to catch up on class work, I would come to this beautiful cinema that is also a library. It seems so out of this world because they silently play childhood movies in the background and there’s so many others sitting reading and writing around you. It has been one of my favorite places to come to here in Florence. In the nights, after dinner, I spend time eating gelato sitting infront of the Duomo and listening to the violinist play. It makes me feel like I am in a dream that I cannot wake up from. Besides the cinema, I think one of the things I will miss the most is the food and how it makes me feel. Everything is so fresh and I have had some of my favorite dishes in just the first couple of days. I was blessed with a scholarship which made things much easier here for me. This is definitely a trip that will stick with me in lifetime. 


  1. Great photos and story, Chris. Enjoy your time and make sure Bro. Robert finds the perfect gelato.

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