Hey! Welcome to the beginning of my adventures abroad! My name is Lauren Rosenberg and I am embarking on my journey to study abroad in Prague for the spring of 2024. Currently I am sitting in the airport waiting for my flight. Only two more hours to go! The time feels excruciatingly slow but nothing will compare to the 18 hour layover ahead of me (eww). Thankfully I am able to travel with my best friend, Daniela, who is studying abroad in Prague as well! Together we have movies, books, and plenty of tik toks to keep us entertained. It will be a long day of travel ahead of us, but it is all part of the adventure.
I am so excited for all of the new places along with Prague I'll be visiting including Madrid, Paris, and London. That's about it for now, but I will check back once I arrive in Prague!
- Lauren
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