Before Leaving for Rome

Rome. The Eternal City. A city where ancient Romans believed that the city will always remain standing, no matter what empire rose and fell around them. The city where the Piazza Navona stands and the foreign language of Italian is spoken (Lord knows I will be whipping out Duolingo). The home of the largest Christian church in the world being St. Peter's Basilica and the longest and widest steps in Europe being the Spanish Steps. Let's just say, Rome has been and will forever be a city that has a range of attractions and who gets to experience it all? This guy.

Prior to studying abroad in Rome, Italy for the Spring 2025 semester, the only thing I knew about Rome is The Lizzie McGuire Movie. I've never been to Rome in my entire life, and yet in less than a month I will be glued to an airplane seat for 10+ hours, flying to land in the city of history, art, and civilization.

Am I nervous? Sure. Am I excited? Yes! Am I ready? I'm ready to be confused and lost on the streets with one suitcase full of clothing and a backpack full of chargers and other essentials, but it'll just end up being a story that I get to tell people once the jet lag wears off of me. For now, I plan on hibernating in my room, being fat and happy as Christmas and New Years dinner makes its way in my mouth and out of my lower body, and soaking in the heat in Texas!
