Let's debrief on how each of my classes are going so far.
ACTING (DRM 201): FIRST OF ALL, and don't hate me, I showed up late. Talk about making a good first impression, but it was good because I (hopefully) redeemed myself quickly by participating a lot in the class which included fighting lions with my feet and screaming "BLEEP" "CENSOR" at Mia. (There's your shoutout, MIA). I actually love this class which is ironic because this was the class I was most nervous about. I, for some reason, suck at doing acting exercises in front of people, but the second you need me to audition, perform, or even a scene rehearsal, I'm all in. I don't know, my brain is just wired differently, but nonetheless my acting class went super well. I love the professor's energy, and this will definitely help me become a more rounded performer, especially comedically because I see myself more of a comedic actor more than anything.
LAUGHTER, SATIRE, AND THE COMIC FORM (ENG 318): She was laughing all the time, screened us Monty Python and some low key-boring "comedy" podcast, but nonetheless she's great. Plus, NO HOMEWORK! Literally said that she's not going to give us homework, just 2 in person essays on our computer so no complaints from me truly!
INTRODUCTION TO DRAMA: GENRE, TECHNIQUES, AND STRUCTURE (ENG 207): It's ironic that the class that I didn't want to originally take would be the class that I yapped the most, got the most laughs, and enjoyed the most. A, I was accidentally 30 minutes early (not my fault, blame the scheduling of AUR). B, I told everyone in that class about the blood blister and bruise I have on my left root (it's officially the color of me- BLACK). C, I told everybody that NYC is very different in Rome, as to NYC is dirty because for some reason, some of my classmates thought that Rome was "dirty". Until you've been on a subway station and seen either a person peeing in the corner, a rat running across, or smelly people during peak hours have their sweaty armpits all up in your face, you don't know dirty. Nonetheless, this class was easy and simple, also because I took an Intro to Drama class last semester, so not even joking, even the readings are similar. So similar curriculum, easy A... hopefully.
LITERARY EDITING AND PUBLISHING (ENG 305): I just signed up for this class, so I don't have anything to say about this class except for my roommate's in it (we're both English majors, but I'm taking the interesting classes), and that we're spending the whole semester working on our class magazine. And guess what? They need an Editor-in-Chief and nobody wanted to do it, so I'll swoop in and take charge.
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